четверг, 21 июня 2012 г.

ВЗГЛЯД / Киев возмутился словами польских журналистов об украинках

ВЗГЛЯД / Киев возмутился словами польских журналистов об украинках

President of the European
 Court of Human Rights
the European Union
Mr. Jean-Paul Costa

Grand Prince Liubart-Sangushko
Number COMPLAINT. 25851/06 B. Prince L
iubart, E. Sangushko against Ukraine Eugene A.
Ukraine, Kharkov-61 039
Str. Krapivnitskaya, 14
Tel. 057-777-60-56.
E-mail: Liubart1957@gmail.com
In the Grand Chamber of the ECHR on the basis of Article 43-45. Convention
The term of the complaint within three months - was not affected

Please be informed that 5.01.2012g. I received a simple letter from the ECHR decision 20.12.2011g. that I refused to review my case in fact and substance and filed in the official form of legal complaint.
Specifically, what are the reason - my right NEPRIEMSTVINOSTI, complaints, court ECHR in its decision is argued to explain declines, abusing the trust.

 In its appeal (point number 6), appeal to the ECHR and I detail! challenged: 1. unlawfulness and inconsistency of the Convention of the criminal charges, and the illegality of the invasion of my home. 2. illegality of the red tape of a criminal charge. 3. illegality of the two adminarestov 10 and 15 days. This is undoubtedly all, is a violation of provisions of the Convention.
Consequently, my complaint is fully acceptable for consideration.
Thus, the nomination of my 2010-2011. allegations, including that my complaint is not acceptable, I firmly declare that: it's not true.
If the ECHR acknowledged the guilt of the Ukrainian government on the illegal tape of the action, therefore, violations of provisions of the Convention, and others are challenged in court, violation of the Convention.
Documents filed in the full and necessary volume! reasoned comments on the shortage of documents proving the guilt of the Government, judges ECHR me - NOT PREDYAVLYALI.

Ukrainian court, a government of Ukraine and the Court of Justice European Court did not lead to arguments for presentation to me LAW criminal charges as well as in the Ukrainian legislation and the Convention: There is no direct restrictions on maintenance and repair of personal weapons, weapons of the rightful owner. Of Art. 1 and 7 of the Convention (protection of property) The Trial Chamber ECHR in collusion with the defendant wrongfully avoided to discuss the charge of violation of the Convention, the intentional falsity of criminal complaints, from 1999 to 2006, the illegality of the invasion of housing, including two illegal adminaresta 10 and 15 days.
It should be understood as an abuse, judges chambers ECHR, my confidence.

I have given full legal costs, including the time for correspondence since 2001. with the ECHR.
I included the costs of cash receipts, the original!
The total weight of judicial correspondence (paper) from 1999. in 2012. 14kg. (At present), the Court is not obligated to reimburse my postage in the amount 4.761grn.12kop for 11 years of complaints -? Court ECHR, the slope of the ECtHR of 16.03.2010g. and in this decision, by a reasoned explanation, in relation to: consider my complaint in its entirety flagrant violation of Article 45 (item 1) of the Convention.
I am absolutely sure because ZGOVORA the defendant. This is a violation of Article 17 of the Convention
I am a respected person and will not allow to mock me and my family, especially, counterfeit and unmotivated korumpirovanogo judicial decisions by the ECHR.

Based on the above requires: consideration of my complaint in full and fair satisfaction, and two adminaresta at 10 and 15 days set forth by me in the ECHR, a statement from 28.10.2010g.

Thus, the final amount of damage equal satisfaction: 107tys.573 euros. Tys.573evro 107, non-pecuniary damage (third para) = 215tys.146 euros. (Two hundred and fifteen thousand euro 146) 200 euro my pistol, 11 euros (ot16 letter. 08.2010g.)
5 euros (the letter) only: two hundred and fifteen thousand 362 euros. + 95evro.
Translation, false solutions ECHR 20.12.2011g.dopolnitelno 20evro. + Studying the court decision and drafting of the present application (four days) Ie four days pay the average wage in Ukraine 70evro = + sending this letter 5evro .= 95 Euro This is an additional minimum amount too should be taken into account. I respect your work and appreciate it.
Judges ECHR, officially earn a day is not 15evro and 500evro a day!

Guided humanism for the third time I acknowledge their willingness and conditions contained in the statement of 15.05.2010g. (At CMU and the ECHR) - refuse to just satisfaction, to make COMPLETE SETTLEMENT.
As for my bank details which I need to show, to announce that I have them in Ukraine and Europe do not.
I represirovany Ukrainian communists, disabled, unemployed and pauper.

 I am authorized to state that: now, instead of an amicable truce on behalf of the President and the Government of Ukraine, the district court against me in my place of residence 31.10.2011g. Court of Appeal and the Kharkiv region. 21.12.2011g. Once again, made false judgments in civil court case: I have my family and Ukrainian authorities took away the land, which I designed the document to yourself, put it in his work and his family money and used it for 18 years.
False judgments rendered in favor of my younger brother - the Communists. That has absolutely: nothing to do with my land.
Ie me and my family, the Ukrainian government in court, rekitiruyut, (I have two small children) Ukrainian authorities to bring on me, my mother's younger brother 54y.o., the Communists.
Unlawfully taking my land, I do not give it - to sell and have money to live.
I pulled into the systematic conflicts and complaints, instead of the proper judicial rehabilitation! for political repression, an apology and fair compensation of the damage and DOT ..

President of the European Union and the ECHR ..
I hate YOU correspondence and obschatsya. I refuse to give me money humiliating handouts in an inappropriate amount 800evro. + 6 years of red tape to the ECHR.
My aversion to the president and judges of the ECHR korumpirovanym.
 I demand from the Government of Ukraine and the European Court of honest and decent communication with me on the subject: I stop creating conflicts and false accusation court, require just satisfaction.
I ask the Grand Chamber of the ECHR on the basis of Article 43 (paragraph 2), Article 44 (part a) to consider my complaint, as it should in its entirety.
I enclose
1. False ECtHR from 20.12.2011g. 5listov.
2. documents previously sent me to the ECHR: a request in state court of Ukraine 9.03.2006g.
Letter to the ECHR ot11.05.2010g. and my second appeal to the European Court of 28.10.2010g.

Please be informed that the ECHR that, from 5.01. by 9.01.2012g. authorized by the government or its legal representative with me in direct contact was not entered.

  9.01.2012g. V. Prince Liubart, E. Sangushko

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